Showing posts with label Input and Output Devices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Input and Output Devices. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What is Computer

Computer is an electronic device which stores process and retrives information. Through Computer we can write letters, Make Notes, Tables, Send E-mails, Surfing through the internet. A computer can also be used in Data base management, Games and Presentations etc.



Parts of Computer:
We can simply divide computer into Two parts:
This is a part of computer which has physical structure. It can be seen and touch. Computer Mouse, Keyboard, Motherboard etc are known as the Hardware parts of computer.

Mouse (Computer Hardware Examples)

Different Computer Hardware Components

Motherboard (Compter Hardware Example)

This is a set of instruction to Hardware about a specific task. Software can be seen but cannot be touched. Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Windows etc are some examples of Software.
Microsoft Word Interafce

Different Software Components and Its Icons

We can divide Hardware into three basic parts:

Input Devices
Those devices through which we Enter/put data into the computer is called Input Devices in the following Figure Keyboard, Mouse and Mic are Input Devices.
Output Devices
Those devices through which we get/receive data from Computer is called Output Devices. In the following Figure Screen/Monitor, Speakers are Output Devices
System Unit
It is the core part of Computer through which all the Input and Output devices is controlled..

Example of Hardware and Its Parts
 In the Next Topic we will discuss about the Types of computer