Computer is an electronic device which stores process and
retrives information. Through Computer we can write letters, Make Notes,
Tables, Send E-mails, Surfing through the internet. A computer can also be used
in Data base management, Games and Presentations etc.
Detail |
Parts of Computer:
We can simply divide computer into Two parts:
This is a part of computer which has physical structure. It can
be seen and touch. Computer Mouse, Keyboard, Motherboard etc are known as the
Hardware parts of computer.
Mouse (Computer Hardware Examples) |
Different Computer Hardware Components |
Motherboard (Compter Hardware Example) |
This is a set of instruction to Hardware about a
specific task. Software can be seen but cannot be touched. Internet Explorer,
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Windows etc are some examples of Software.Microsoft Word Interafce |
Different Software Components and Its Icons |
We can divide Hardware into three basic parts:
Input Devices
Those devices through which we Enter/put data into the
computer is called Input Devices in the following Figure Keyboard, Mouse and
Mic are Input Devices.
Output Devices
Those devices through which we get/receive data from
Computer is called Output Devices. In the following Figure Screen/Monitor,
Speakers are Output Devices
System Unit
It is the core part of Computer through which
all the Input and Output devices is controlled..
Example of Hardware and Its Parts |
In the Next Topic we
will discuss about the Types of computer
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