Showing posts with label TCP / IP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TCP / IP. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2013

TCP / IP Concept

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The computers which communicate each other are using a language or common language. In computer terminology it is called Protocol. The default protocol for windows xp is called Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Let us Discuss TCP/IP concepts and configuration

In this Diagram we have several computers which TCP/IP have been installed. Each computer has its own IP address. This process is very similar to using a telephone. In Telephone each person wants to communicate with each other must have their own unique telephone number.
                A telephone number is divided into two parts. The area code and the phone number. The area code defines the part of the country that we live in and the phone number is their own unique number. Similarly an IP address is divided into two pieces called a Network and a host.

The host name is a number, which defines our computer on the network. We can identify the host and networks through its number that is It is therefore called default subnetmask. This Subnetmask had been derived from their specific IP Address Classes. There are Three IP Address Classes which basically use. Thee IP Address Class are as follow.
1).  Class A:
This is the First IP Address Class. It begins from 1 à 126 . 0 . 0 . 0
It has 126 Networks and 16,277,214 Hosts. It mean that in this Class we connect upto     16,277,214 computers.
Its default Subnetmask is: Where 255 Indicates Network and 0.0.0 Indicates Hosts.

2).  Class B:
This is the First IP Address Class. It begins from 128 à 191 . x . 0 . 0
It has 16,386 Networks and 65,534 Hosts. It mean that in this Class we connect upto        65,534 computers. 
Its default Subnetmask is: Where 255.255 Indicates Network and 0.0            Indicates Hosts.


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3).   Class C:
This is the First IP Address Class. It begins from 192 à 223 . x . x . 0
It has 2,097,122 Networks and 254 Hosts. It mean that in this Class we connect upto 254            computers.
Its default Subnetmask is: Where 255.255 Indicates Network and 0.0            Indicates Hosts.

Private IP Address / Networks
        Private Networks are the IP Addresses which can be used by any person. These IP Addresses do not need to buy. While the other IP Addresses are available by ISPs. Private Networks are available in all three classes
Class A:             TO             default subnet mask:
Class B:           TO              default subnet mask:
Class C:         TO           default subnet mask:
      So we can get IP Addresses from these three classes to uniquely identify our computer on the network. However most of the IP address had already been taken by the Governments, Large Companies, ISPs etc. The Internet assigned the class A, B, C address has private addresses that can be used in a home network or in small business office. Because the routers on the Internet has been trained to filter out private IP Address. So these computers would have to access the Internet through a proxy server or network address translation server (NAT), that does have the Internet connections. In our example we used the class C IP addressing which also called 192.168.1 Network segment. The Network in the diagram is 192.168.2.
     We can see the IP Address that have been assigned to our computer by using a command called IP configuration or ipconfig shortly. To check the IP Address of a computer
Go to command prompt à Type ipconfig and press Enter. It will display our basic IP configuration.
             We use the default gateway as the gate way. It is a door into the Router or Server.